Macrolane ® injections in the buttock

Macrolane ® injection can be performed on patients who want to increase buttock volume or reshape them to correct a morphological default such as flat buttocks, or simply to give them a rounded shape. Macrolane ® is an alternative to implants and allows raising buttock volume without surgery and without scars.
It is a hyaluronic acid gel resulting from biotechnology, completely natural, of non-animal origin and biodegradable.
Before the injection
You don't need to fast. It is however recommended not to drink alcohol and to avoid sun exposure the hours before the injections.
No aspirin-based medication or anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken during 8 days before and 5 days after the injections to minimize risks of bleeding of the treated areas.
For optimal comfort, it is recommended to apply Emla Cream 0.05% (available from a pharmacy) on the treated areas 1 hour before the procedure. This white ointment penetrates quickly into the skin and becomes invisible. This way you can have anaesthesia while continuing your daily activities.
The injection
It is performed under local anaesthesia. The surgeon injects the product between the skin and the muscle, in the natural fold of the buttock through a micro incision leaving no scar.
The injection in painless and the result can be immediately appreciated. The procedure lasts between 60 and 90 minutes (about 150 cc to 200 cc for each buttock).
You can go back to your daily activities immediately after the injection.
After the injection
Buttock is immediately rounded and curved. The result can be seen and felt.
In order to maintain the result, a retouch injection can be performed every 12 to 18 months (40% of the product usually shades off 12 months after the operation).
Some bruising and a feeling of tightness can appear after the injection, but they disappear in the 4 to 5 days after surgery.
Page réalisée d'après les fiches d'information de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique
Page created according to the information sheets of the authority of the French Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery (Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique - SOFCPRE)
Before the injection
- Medical exams: 1 surgical consultation.
- Recommendations: stop aspirin-based and anti-inflammatory medication 8 days before the surgery.
- Signing of the estimate, informed consent and medical photographies.
- Reflection period: /
The injection
- Prior anaesthesia: local with an anaesthetic cream.
- Duration of the procedure: 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the quantity of product injected.
- Return home: after the session.
Follow-up and result
- Special care: none.
- Desocialisation after the surgery: none.
- Physical activities: 72 hours.
- Professional activities: after the session.
- Final result: immediate.
- Duration of the result: 18 to 24 months.
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