Flat cheekbone surgery by lipofilling (or fat injection)

The absence of relief in the cheek bones can be natural or due to aging. Relief should be centred on the malar bone relief, not too high and not too low. A full and rounded cheek bones brings youth and vitality. A flat cheek bone gives a tired look. This surgery aims at raising naturally the cheekbones.
- Fat injection in this area, most of the time carried out under local anaesthesia, gives a final augmentation of the cheekbones.
- The procedure consists in injecting the patient's fat directly into the cheekbone to recreate its volume and give it its natural fat relief. This technique is called lipofilling.
- Fat cells are injected in the depth of the cheekbones with thin cannulas.
- Lipofilling gives excellent results because cheekbones are highly vascularized and the fat graft take is significantly improved.
- Fat injection in the cheekbones is often associated with a complete face lipofilling in order to enhance its contours and hollows and/or with a lifting to correct the oval.
Page réalisée d'après les fiches d'information de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique
Page created according to the information sheets of the authority of the French Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery (Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique - SOFCPRE)
Explications du Dr Christelle Santini, chirurgien esthétique à Paris, sur la technique du lipofilling. Il s'agit d'une technique permettant de modifier les volumes de certaines zones du corps et du visage par injection de la propre graisse du patient. Dans certains cas une liuposuccion peut être associé.
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