Aesthetic plastic surgery in Paris

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89 rue de la Pompe 75116 Paris

Tuberous breasts


Tuberous breasts are a breast malformation. In its most severe form the appearance is tubular with a very restricted implantation base on the thorax. Treatments vary depending on the type of tuberous breasts. There are 3 grades:

  • Grade 1: the inferomedial segment is absent, this is the most common form. The areola is oriented downward and inward.
  • Grade 2: the inferior part of the breast is missing. The areola is oriented downward.
  • Grade 3 : superior and inferior segments can be absent. The mammary base is completely narrowed and the breast has a tubular shape.


The causes of malformation are not known. The anomalies of the mammary gland or of its deep attachment to the greater pectoral muscle affect the development of the mammary gland during growth, particularly in the inferior area of the breast, under the areola.


Tuberous breast surgery: Before the procedure

Two consultations with your plastic surgeon with at least 15 days between each are mandatory before the operation. Medical photographies are always taken during these consultations. A preoperative mammogram is mandatory for women over 35 or with risk factors for breast cancer. A sport bra without armature and with a front opening is prescribed.

Stop smoking 2 months before the surgery to reduce the risks for skin necrosis. No aspirin-based, anti-inflammatory medication or oral anticoagulants should be taken during the 15 days preceding the operation to reduce the risk of bleeding.

No oral contraception 1 month before the operation to reduce the thrombo-embolic risks.

Avoid pregnancies during 2 years after the surgery to preserve the result of the procedure.


Tuberous breast surgery: The procedure

The aim of the surgery is to give a natural rounded shape to the breast, to lower the bottom fold of the breast to a better position and to correct areola procidence and reduce its size. The surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia.

According to the grade, different techniques may be used:

  • GRADE 1: mammary reduction with vertical or T-shape scar.
  • GRADES 2 AND 3: implants, associated with a gland treatment: the scar is isolated around the areola.


Tuberous breast surgery: After the procedure

A suction drainage system is usually placed to reduce the risks for bruises. It is usually kept between 1 and 3 days, depending on its production.

The bandage is removed between 24 and 48 hours after surgery. A light bandage will be placed and you will be asked to wear the bra without armatures prescribed prior to the operation. You need to wear it day and night during 2 weeks after the operation.

Hospitalization usually lasts 1 or 2 days. Stitches are dissolvable, they do not need to be removed.

You can have a shower from the day after the drains are removed.

Breast swelling is frequent in the early weeks after surgery. It fades during the first weeks and can last one month or more. Pains can appear but are well balanced by the usual pain-killers and difficulty in raising the arms is frequent. You will need to stop working during 10 to 15 days. A sport activity can be done again within 2 months after surgery.


Avoid pregnancies during 2 years after the surgery to preserve the result of the procedure. Breast feeding after surgery is possible in most of the cases but cannot be guaranteed or advised.

The final result can be appreciated 6 months after the operation regarding the breast volume and shape. Breast continues to evolve over the years. The scars will take their final appearance 12 months after the operation. Several follow-up consultations are realised: 1 month 1/2, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after surgery.

Page réalisée d'après les fiches d'information de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique

Page created according to the information sheets of the authority of the French Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery (Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique - SOFCPRE)

in summary

Before the procedure

  • Medical exams: 1 or 2 surgical consultations, 1 consultation with the anaesthesiologist.
  • Recommendations: stop smoking 1 month before, stop aspirin-based and anti-inflammatory medication 10 days before the surgery.
  • Signing of the estimate, informed consent and medical photographies.
  • Reflection period: this period is not necessary in case of a reconstructing surgery.


The procedure

  • Anaesthesia: general.
  • Duration of the procedure: 2 to 3h.
  • Return home: 1 or 2 nights hospitalization after the surgery.


Follow-up and results

  • Special care: bra without armature during 1.5 month. Compression bandage in case of implants.
  • Removal of the sutures: not necessary, they are dissolvable.
  • Desocialisation after the surgery: none.
  • Physical activities: 1.5 month.
  • Professional activities: 7 to 14 days after the surgery, depending on your professional situation.
  • Final result: 6 months.
Photos disponibles sur demande en consultation
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